Lincoln County (Oregon) Natural History Information
by Yaquina Birders & Naturalists. Last Update: 9 September 2013

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Table of Contents for Lincoln County Natural History Information
Physical Environment
Human Interactions with Plants and Wildlife
Fossils of Plants and Animals
Invertebrates (animals without backbones)
Vertebrates (animals with backbones)
Miscellaneous Natural History Links
Lincoln County Natural History Bibliography Available Online
Other Links Related to Oregon Coast Natural History in bird.htm
Last Update: 9 September 2013
"Lincoln County Climate" by Oregon Climate Service.
NOAA Weather Radio for Emergencies. (Getting a radio that can pick up local NOAA Weather Radio stations is the best way to learn about emergencies--Lincoln County radio stations may not be helpful. See links along left column for information about NOAA Weather Radio, which "... broadcasts warnings and post-event information for all types of hazards -weather (such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods), natural (such as earthquakes, forest fires, and volcanic activity), technological (such as chemical releases, oil spills, nuclear power plant emergencies, etc.), and national emergencies.") See NWR Receiver Consumer Information for information about buying a NOAA Weather Radio.
Weather Forecasts
- Marine Forecast and Marine Weather Conditions by Weather Underground that includes the basic Marine Forecast for the Northwest by the National Weather Service.
- Current Weather and 5-day forecast for Newport Area by Weather Underground. (This site also has the Marine Forecast, 7-day forecast, Local Allergy Info, Sunrise & Sunset and Moon Rise & Moon Set times plus links to weather elsewhere--lots of information!)
- Newport Weather Forecast and Conditions by the Weather Channel. (Includes Newport weather as well as a Doppler Radar map of precipitation in western Oregon.)
- Newport, OR Weather Forecast by (Forecasts, radar and satellite maps, and more.)
- National Weather Service Forecast Office: Portland, Oregon. (This site is an excellent way to monitor the weather as well as watches, warnings, and advisories for weather, child abduction ("Amber"), civil emergency, fire, flood, high surf, law enforcement, tsunami, and volcano--see their FAQ. It also includes radar and satellite images.)
- Newport Surf Forecast by SwellInfo.
- Oregon Surf Forecast by Oregon Surf.
Other Newport Current Weather Links
Current Onshore Weather Elsewhere
Nearshore and Offshore Current Forecast and Weather
Solar Radiation Measurements in Lincoln County
Other Weather Records for Lincoln County
Weather is also recorded at many other places in Lincoln County, but their weather data may not be widely available. For example, the Newport Fire Department used to take weather measurements several times per day. Sheridan Jones has also kept weather records at Otis. Others may also record weather.
Other Weather Links for Oregon
Last Update: 9 September 2013
- National Weather Service Forecast Office: Portland, Oregon. (This site is an excellent way to monitor the weather as well as watches, warnings, and advisories for weather, child abduction ("Amber"), civil emergency, fire, flood, high surf, law enforcement, tsunami, and volcano--see their FAQ. It also includes radar and satellite images.) Because this site includes weather and not just tsunamis, readers are more apt to consult it than the following site that is dedicated only to tsunamis.
- Most Recent Tsunami Message Page by NOAA West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center. ("NOTICE: This page is updated when a Tsunami Information Message or Tsunami Warning Message is issued.")
- NOAA Weather Radio for Emergencies. (Getting a radio that can pick up local NOAA Weather Radio stations is the best way to learn about emergencies--Lincoln County radio stations may not be helpful. See links along left column for information about NOAA Weather Radio, which "... broadcasts warnings and post-event information for all types of hazards -weather (such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods), natural (such as earthquakes, forest fires, and volcanic activity), technological (such as chemical releases, oil spills, nuclear power plant emergencies, etc.), and national emergencies.") See NWR Receiver Consumer Information for information about buying a NOAA Weather Radio.
- Geologic Hazards on the Oregon Coast: An Introduction to Tsunamis by Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. (Information and links to tsunami information.)
Last Update: 9 September 2013
Agate Hunting and Beach Stumps
Camera, Satellite, or Radar Images
Last Update: 9 September 2013
Yaquina Bay
- Road Cams and Weather Conditions: Yaquina Bay Bridge. Click the right "camera" icon at Newport to see the Yaquina Bay Bridge Cam View, Wind, & Temperature by Oregon Dept. of Transportation (ODOT).
- Road Cams and Weather Conditions: Yaquina Bay Jetty. Click the left "camera" icon at Newport to see the Yaquina Bay Jetty Cam View by Oregon Dept. of Transportation (ODOT). [The elevation, wind, and temperature is the same as for the Yaquina Bay Bridge Cam--see right "camera" icon.
- "Newport" by Portland KGW, Channel 8.
- Web Cam at OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center.
Agate Beach/Yaquina Head
Lincoln City
Satellite or Radar Images that Include Lincoln County
Road Conditions
Last Update: 9 September 2013
TripCheck: Road Cams, Road & Weather by Oregon Dept. of Transportation (ODOT).
Last Update: 9 September 2013
- Tide Predictions for South Beach and links to other tidal information by OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC).
- Adjustments from Tide Predictions for South Beach for Other Oregon Coastal Locations.
- Current Water Level at the OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) Dock, choose one of the following:
- The OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center has also in the past recorded tide levels at their dock independently of NOAA; check with the HMSC Facilities Manager, Randy Walker.
- Macrophyton and Tides at Yaquina Estuary, Lincoln County, Oregon. By R. D. Bayer. 1996 Journal of Oregon Ornithology 6:781-795.
Last Update: 9 September 2013
River flow data are only available for the Siletz and Alsea Rivers.
Siletz River
Alsea River
Yaquina Bay Bar Conditions, call 541-265-5511 (U.S. Coast Guard).
Last Update: 9 September 2013
Surfrider: Newport Chapter partners with local agencies to promote clean water 8 September 2008.
Last Update: 9 September 2013
- Map Showing the Location of Lincoln County in Oregon.
- Select "Online Maps," then "Maptech MapServer for "Maptech's free online resource for previewing Topographic Maps, Nautical Charts, [some] Coastal Aerial Photos and Aeronautical Charts." Then enter city or Zip Code.
- Query Form For The United States And Its Territories by the U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Information. (Can also get
information about watershed as well as maps, including aerials.)
- Choose "Image Search" button. Can enter Zip Code or other ways to view free images but charges to zoom in below 8 meters. Includes aerial and topographical maps for sites within Lincoln County.
- Select "Maps" tab along the top at Google. Can enter Zipcode to see regular, satellite, or hybrid map.
- Map from Yahoo!. Can enter Zipcode to see regular, satellite, or hybrid map.
- Topographical Maps by (Topographical map.)
- Lincoln County Assessor's Maps.
- Geologic Map of Oregon at (Lincoln County is shown, and the map can be enlarged.)
- Oregon's Forest Atlas [includes Lincoln County] by Oregon Dept. of Forestry.
- Oregon Estuary Plan Book Interactive Mapping. Habitat, dredge spoil, management unit maps of Salmon River, Siletz, Yaquina, and Alsea Estuaries in Lincoln County can be downloaded.
- Google Earth.
- Geographic Information Systems by Oregon Dept. of
- Welcome to Inforain: Maps that Matter by Ecotrust.
Go to Lincoln County (Oregon) Bird Information or
see the Lincoln Co. Natural History Information Table of Contents
Last Update: 9 September 2013
Lincoln County
- Notes about Skywatching in Lincoln County for September 1994-April 2003 from the Sandpiper, a publication of Yaquina Birders & Naturalists. (Includes notes about "green flashes.")
- Effects of Solar Eclipse on Waterbirds at Yaquina Estuary, Oregon. By Range D. Bayer. 1989. Oregon Birds 15(3):198-200. 7K
- Newport Sky by Weather Underground. (The interactive skychart is useful, but it is puzzling because south is up, and north is down, so be mindful)
- Interactive Sky Chart by Sky and Telescope. (Must register for free to see, but is a nice chart at different hours of night at Newport that also shows planets. After once registering and setting up, then can )
- Your Sky by John Walker. (To use for Lincoln County: go down the page and insert 45 North latitude, 124 West longitude; if wish to not have current time, then add 8 hours to UTC [Universal Time] for Pacific Standard Time or add 7 hours to UTC for Pacific Daylight Time.)
- Sunrise and Sunset Tables for Newport, Oregon computed by the Astronomical Applications Dept., U.S. Naval Observatory with formatting by OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center for Newport.
Green Flash and Green Rim
Note that there is confusion about the "green flash." Some term green flash only as the flash of green light just after the sun sets below the horizon. Others use "green flash" (or "green rim") for the light that is pinched off from the top of the sun as it nears setting. The "green flash" after the sun has just set is rarer. Below are some links and some additional terminology for these phenomena and pictures of the sun at sunset.
Other Skywatching Phenomena During Daylight
Satellite Passes
- NASA Human Space Flight page for Predicted International Space Station (ISS) and Space Shuttle Sighting Times for Newport or Yachats. (In "Sighting Opportunities" box, select "United States" and "Go to Country," then select "Oregon," and then select "Newport" or Yachats.")
- Heavens Above: Newport. (Link is directly to information for Newport. Note that in 2006 the time predictions of the International Space Station for Newport were incorrect, but the time predictions for Iridium satellites were accurate.)
- Visual Satellite Observer's Home Page by Jeff Hunt, Neil Clifford & Bart De Pontieu. (Information about lots of different kinds of satellites.)
Comets & Meteors
Other Skywatching Links
Last Update: 9 September 2013
Also see Living With Wildlife & Dealing with Conflicts with Wildlife.
Beached Marine Mammals in Lincoln County
Birds in Lincoln County. If you find an injured or sick bird, try one of the following:
- The Oregon State Police have at times also taken care of reports of injured or sick animals (especially marine mammals); call their dispatch at 1-800-452-7888.
- Call the Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) (541-867-4741) office in South Beach--they are closed on weekends and holidays.
- Oregon Coast Aquarium at times has also rehabilitated seabirds or waterbirds, but they have limited resources for bird rehabilitation--call them at 541-867-3474 to see if they can help.
If those options do not work, your other options:
Please note that an animal may try to defend itself and injure you, if you are not careful. Safety first! You are responsible for your own safety!
For information about sick or injured wildlife, see:
Go to Lincoln County (Oregon) Bird Information or
see the Lincoln Co. Natural History Information Table of Contents
Last Update: 9 September 2013
Go to Lincoln County (Oregon) Bird Information or
see the Lincoln Co. Natural History Information Table of Contents
Last Update: 28 September 2009
Go to Lincoln County (Oregon) Bird Information or
see the Lincoln Co. Natural History Information Table of Contents
Last Update: 20 May 2007
Go to Lincoln County (Oregon) Bird Information or
see the Lincoln Co. Natural History Information Table of Contents
In the November 2002 Sandpiper (the newsletter of Yaquina Birders & Naturalists), Pat Wright notes that as a child, he had jars of insects, bones, and frogs, along with bird wings and mole skins. His mother sometimes hesitated to come into his room. Kathy Merrifield tried things like this only a few times until it became evident
that her efforts were morphing from zoological studies into a sociological study on her mother, which Kathy did not want to continue. Which reminds Kathy of a friend of similar interests with many stories, the best of which
was about a bear skull she was saving in the freezer which her mother thawed out when she needed a rump roast....
Last Update: 24 August 2009
Last Update: 28 July 2007
Lincoln County
Elsewhere along Pacific Coast
Last Update: 4 August 2007
Lincoln County
Elsewhere in Oregon
Last Update: 28 September 2009
Lincoln County Marine and Estuarine Invertebrates
Online Insect Identification Guides
Last Update: 11 August 2007
Last Update: 28 July 2007
Lincoln County
Butterflies, Moths, & Skippers Elsewhere along the Oregon Coast
Last Update: 9 September 2013
Lincoln County
- Lincoln County Dragonfly & Damselfly Species List by Terry Morse in the Nov. 1996 Sandpiper with some annotations from his Sept. 1995 Sandpiper article. (List of 15 dragonflies and seven damselflies.)
- Notes for September 1994-April 2003 from the Sandpiper, a publication of Yaquina Birders & Naturalists about:
- "September 1997 Directed Flights of Dragonflies, A Preliminary Report" by Range Bayer on the Pacific Northwest Dragonfly Migration Project web page. The original web page ( is no longer available, but it is available through a link at the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, where Terry Morse found it on 24 August 2010. See this 1997 report at --scroll around this page to see more information about the now defunct "Pacific Northwest Dragonfly Migration Project."
- See Other Lincoln County notes amongst the 1997-2000 Migration Reports near the bottom of the now defunct Pacific Northwest Dragonfly Migration Project web page ( is available through a link at the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, where Terry Morse found it on 24 August 2010.
- "Dances with Dragonflies" by Terry Morse from his web site. (Observations in Lincoln County in October 1994. Printed in October 1994 Sandpiper.)
- Bug of the Month: Spreadwing Damselfly by Terry Morse in the October 1995 Sandpiper.
- How to Choose an Insect Field Guide by Terry Morse in the May and August 1996 Sandpipers. (See his Example 3 for a dragonfly, Western Widow (aka Eight-spot Skimmer), in Lincoln County.)
Dragonflies & Damselflies Elsewhere in Oregon, Washington, and California
- Pacific Northwest Dragonfly Migration Project: Advice for Teachers by Terry Morse (2000) on the Pacific Northwest Dragonfly Migration Project (now defunct)that is available through a link at the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, where Terry Morse found it on 24 August 2010. (Tips for classroom projects of studying dragonfly flights.)
- Pacific Northwest Dragonfly Migration Project. Now defunct, but much information, including reprints of some articles about flights, links to photos is available through a link at the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, where Terry Morse found it on 24 August 2010.
- Butterfly and Dragonfly surveys in Clatsop Co., Oregon by Neawanna Ecological Observatory.
- Oregon Dragonfly and Damselfly Survey Migration Page by Steve Valley. Now defunct, but much information, including reprints of some articles about flights, links to photos is available through a link at the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, where Terry Morse found it on 24 August 2010.
- Dragonflies: Odonata Biodiversity by Dennis Paulson of Slater Museum of Natural History at University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, Washington).
- California Dragonflies & Damselflies by Kathy Biggs. (Lots of information.)
Last Update: 28 July 2007
Lincoln County
Last Update: 28 July 2007
Lincoln County
Last Update: 28 July 2007
Lincoln County and Oregon
Elsewhere: Yahoo! Search: Praying Mantis.
Last Update: 4 August 2007
Lincoln County
Other Freshwater and Land Invertebrates, Including Parasites Elsewhere
- On 8/24/2009, the following is no longer available on the Internet: "Nematode Songbook" by Kathy Merrifield of Oregon State University. (Kathy has a sense of humor so check these songs about parasites out!)
- Nematodes: Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Oregon by Kathy Merrifield of Oregon State University. (Mostly for Oregon agriculture.)
- Coastal Oregon Area Insects and Spiders by (28 species)
Last Update: 4 August 2007
Fishes Specifically in Lincoln County
Fishes: Sites that Include Western Oregon
Last Update: 4 August 2007
Lincoln County
Birds of Lincoln County
See Lincoln County (Oregon) Bird Information
Last Update: 24 August 2009
Lincoln County
- Range Bayer's letter toGov. Kulongoski about Improving the State of Oregon's Response to Beached Whales Based on the State's Response to the Gray Whale Beached on 27 May 2007 Near Seal Rocks
- Notes about Marine and Estuarine Mammals in Lincoln County for September 1994-April 2003 from the Sandpiper, a publication of Yaquina Birders & Naturalists. (See separate entries for Gray Whales, Orcas/Killer Whales, other whales, Fur Seal, Sea Otter, and other marine mammals.)
- See pelagic bird trip archives for Perpetua Bank & Heceta Bank Trips and for other Newport Pelagic Trips by The Bird Guide. (Includes sightings from pelagic trips originating from Newport or Depoe Bay of gray, humpback, killer, and minke whales; porpoises, dolphins, northern fur seal, sea lions.)
- Coastal Oregon Area Mammals (Land & Marine) by (78 species)
- Whale Watching Spoken Here at the Whale Watching Center of Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department. (The "Whale Watching Spoken Here" project occurs during winter and spring migrations of gray whales. Includes information about Lincoln County and many links to gray whales and whalewatching.)
- What Does it All Mean? Understanding the Winter "Whale Watching Spoken Here" Whale Watch Data by Terry Morse. (Includes information about Lincoln County.)
Marine and Estuarine Mammals Elsewhere
Last Update: 5 August 2007
- Notes about Freshwater Mammals in Lincoln County for September 1994-April 2003 from the Sandpiper, a publication of Yaquina Birders & Naturalists. (See separate entries for Beavers, Harbor Seals, and River Otters.)
- Notes about Terrestrial Mammals in Lincoln County for September 1994-April 2003 from the Sandpiper, a publication of Yaquina Birders & Naturalists. (See separate entries for Bats, Bobcat, California Ground Squirrel, Chickaree/Douglas' Squirrel, Coyote, Black-tailed Deer, Elk or Wapiti, Mountain Lion, Striped Skunk, and Other Terrestrial Mammals.)
- Coastal Oregon Area Mammals (Land & Marine) by (78 species)
Last Update: 24 August 2009
Yaquina Bay Bibliography by Janet Webster and Heather Hiveley of Guin Library at Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center.
Other Links Related to Oregon Coast Natural History
See bird.htm#links
Last Update: 5 August 2007
A Very Special Thanks to Lucy Biggs of Eugene, who hosted a web site through her Internet Service Provider with Lincoln County bird notes from March 1995 through October 2001! Lucy has been an inspiration!
I am also grateful to Terry Morse ( and Mike Patterson (; their web sites provided some of the links. I appreciate Terry Morse for his providing additional information about animal tracks and his work with Lincoln County insects, especially dragonflies and damselflies.
I am also grateful to Kathy Merrifield, who has also been an inspiration for all her bird and nonbird observations and her work as the field notes editor for the Sandpiper!
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